Energy Outreach Project – Energy Saving Advice and Guidance
This year, the winter energy crisis is going to affect far more people than in previous years. Many energy companies have gone out of business, the energy cap has gone up along with the general cost of living, and benefits have gone down. For many people who were in a vulnerable situation already, reassurance and practical help could make so much difference to their lives.
DCA is part of the Big Energy Savings Network and co-regional lead for the South West. Part of this involves training front-line workers to spot the signs of fuel poverty, understand the effect it has on people, and refer them to the right place for help and advice.
(Please note that DCA cannot give individual advice although we do have some information below if handy.)
There are a number of Champions who can give advice and support on a 1:1 basis. Please contact your local Champion for information.
The following are the Champions for the South West Region, use the drop downs to find a contact within each area:
Please contact 01929 775500 (answerphone message) for energy advice, The Dorset Energy Unit, Citizens Advice.
South Hams, Sally Crozier | |
Exeter, Sharon Whitgreave | |
Exeter, Will Hatton | |
Torbay, Jackie Ekers | |
Michael Penhaligon | |
Anderson Jones | |
Martin Rich | |
(Swindon) Steph Bruton | |
Katherine Lewis | |
Susie Mackintosh | |
Karen Llewellyn | |
Charlie Furness | |

Photo: Community Advisor Julie Johns, her daughter Jasmine who came along to volunteer and, in the middle, Wendy Allwood and her guide dog, Uschie, from Help and Kindness. Attending the Ridgewater Energy Awareness Day at the Dorford Centre in Dorchester.
For individuals needing personal support:
For those needing personal help as opposed to help supporting others, the above sessions may still be worthwhile for around the home and information that may be handy although it may also be handy to contact:
Dorset Community Foundation’s 2021/22 Surviving Winter campaign will once again be helping older people and those with disabilities living in fuel poverty to stay warm over the coldest months. Working in partnership with Citizens Advice East Dorset & Purbeck, to assess applicants who are referred or come to it with other inquiries but are identified as being at risk from fuel poverty. Grants of £200 towards heating bills are available.
Healthy Homes Dorset – Ridgewater Energy will be able to offer advice as to what grants/help are available.
They may be able to install insulation, and in some cases, repairs and/or new heating systems completely free of charge if someone in your household meets the following criteria:
• Has a cardiovascular condition
• Has a respiratory condition
• Has a mental health condition
• Has a disability
• Is aged 65 or over
• Has a child under 5 living in the property
• Is pregnant
• Is living with addiction
• Has attended hospital due to a fall
• Is a recent immigrant or asylum seeker
• Has a low income
For further information, call FREEPHONE 0300 003 7023
or text INSULATION followed by “YOUR NAME” to 07984 440584 and they will call you back.
(Previously this project was named the Best Energy Saving Network, this has now been superseded to the Energy Outreach Project.)